Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Me?? On the radio?? I don't even like the sound of my voice on the answering maching...

Well, I guess my little blog that I created to be a place for me to bitch has gotten a bit bigger than I expected.

I was recently contacted by ICAA (International Coalition for Autism and all Abilities) to be on their radio show in August to discuss autism in my life. Seriously?? But I curse in my blog! What can I possible say on the radio to help others?? Pretty cool but I have to admit, I am freaking out a bit!

I will keep you all posted...who knows, maybe I will end up with my own radio show one day....imagine that! LOL...the FCC would have a field day with me...

Stay Tuned :)


  1. That is great Kelly. Just tell it like it is (ex curses) and you will do fine ;) I think you can be a great voice to the challenges, as well as successes, of ASD.

  2. Thanks Terri :) I will keep you posted! And thanks for reading xoxo
